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Old 09-07-2012, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by hairlinecrease View Post

But I'm done explaining anything to you, because someone who invents issues to bark about isn't worthy of the effort an explanation. I honestly don't care what you think, and someone that quick to call someone a lair and a cheat is fundamentally an unstable person.

Your adding me to your block list is a favor to me, so thank you for that. Please go back to whatever you were doing before you became a non-productive participant in this conversation, whether that be letting your toddler finger up 112 year old tobacco cards or threatening other forum participants to the point they have to threaten you with law suits.

You came here to complain about Beckett and its BCCG grading. Thats one thing. Then you brag about how you got this great deal on a 56 Mantle from a guy who seemingly got duped into buying it and wanted to dump it for what he could. You explained to him the differences in grading companies and how it wasn't worth what it should be due to the holder, then let him make an offer based on your info telling him it wasn't that valuable, but you wouldn't do that in your own auction knowing that there is another "Clown" out there to buy the card thinking it is a high grade Mantle when we know it isn't. So I am missing the point here. You dare to complain about a service yet you turn around and use it in your favor to dupe someone.

If I am wrong in my views I would love for someone to try and help me see what I am missing here and owe the OP an apology. I just keep seeing a contradiction here. Am I the only one?

BTW if you have an issue with my kids touching "112 yr old cards" your the seemingly unstable one. If you want to sue me please PM me or just say so and I will post my address and times I will be home for you to deliver the summons.
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