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Old 07-21-2020, 01:14 AM
sportscomicfantasy sportscomicfantasy is offline
Michae! Sh@cter
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Florida
Posts: 92
Default Minor League HOFers

So when I became a teenager is when I first discovered minor league cards, loved them right away. Now it was a few years before I was able to really get into them because I didn't make a lot of money and I was still collecting comics then which took a lot of money.

Now I have a few cards in the '60s but more in the '70s, then a lot in the '80s, a huge amount in the '90s, and then slowed way down in the '90s. Kids cost a lot of money!

Well, I have been thinking of going back and looking into getting older HOFers minor league cards. I am only interested in their cards if they were there before they went to the majors or possibly if they went back following an injury or something in the first few years. I really don't care too much about the condition of the cards as much, of course, I love a mint card, but there is also something about the character of a beat-up card if it still is presentable.

What I would like to know is are there any sets that have a lot of HOFers in the set I should look for entire sets of?

Any books I can buy with lists I could find them more easily?

What HOFer minor league cards do you think are the best ones out there?

Now with the minor league cards I have, I am pretty good with what they are worth, but its harder to value minor league cards because there are fewer of them and less are bought and sold. I am sure it's even more so with the older ones, so I am also looking for resources on values.

Now because of fake cards, I was more into graded cards, though I am being more and more careful with all the crap going on with even the big 3 having issues with graded cards that are actually altered, etc. Are there fakes of the older minor league cards or am I a lot safer buying raw ungraded cards of HOFers minor league cards than I am their major league cards?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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