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Old 04-02-2012, 08:15 AM
drc drc is offline
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I'm no Joss autograph expert, but will note that people sign and note family photos and pictures in different ways and know that many families wish relatives would have specifically named 'the obvious' of who's who in a photo as no one knows who are those people in the photo in the family album anymore. What may be obvious today may not be in 50 years. So, if anything, Joss noting which one he is for posterity was a prudent move, and many would do the same.

I have an elderly aunt who labels all photos-- which often is essential for the family in identifying who's who. In a class photo of my grandmother that already had all the classmates' names printed at the bottom, my aunt circled my grandmother's head and wrote in her name. Obviously redundant information, but that's they way my aunt did things. My dad liked her labeling but tried to convince her to write these things on the backs of the photos, not the front images!
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