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Old 09-28-2020, 08:13 PM
mrmopar mrmopar is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Pacific Northwest
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I had wondered what had happened with Mike. While I was attending UW, I would spend a fair amount of time in his shop between classes. I eventually would sell some things for him on ebay in the early years, before he closed up shop seemingly suddenly. If I recall, he moved out of country initially. It's been a while since I passed that spot on the corner of 50th and Roosevelt, but I believe the building still stands. Do you know if he still has all his stuff or did he pass it along to someone else via sale or other?

I thought Brown's Cooperstown moved from Fremont to the top of Queen Anne.
I could be mixing him up with another shop, as I never had a chance to visit.
one day I did have time, I couldn't find any parking to stop.
I only visited his Fremont shop a few times, but it looked like it would have been a fun place to visit more often.

Originally Posted by oaks1912 View Post
Mike Livingston had a stroke a few years back. I visited him on one of my last trips to Seattle.He was making some progress, but I do not have a recent update........ Dave.....Pete Brown had a few locations. His last one was over in the Fremont district. There was an armed robbery which really shook him up, and he closed soon after. Pete was a really good asset to the local collecting community, and its too bad he's no longer around....Brian.... I talked with Keith at Gasoline Alley last week and he is doing about the same. He's been dealing with a health issue but sounded great.... I hope to get up there next year. My 32 year streak going up there , usually several times a year, was broken this year, as were several other streaks. I miss seeing the many friends and customers in the Northwest
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