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Old 11-19-2011, 08:05 PM
Ringking Ringking is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 40

Originally Posted by travrosty View Post
thanks, it does help. you know that these are good. You don't have to prove it to anyone, except maybe ebay if they question it. but thats the problem if they want to sink it, they will and not much you can do. Doesn't mean they are no good, just that ebay wont allow them to be listed. True boxing collectors that know what they are doing will go by the signature, not the artist who made the lithograph, no matter how he is connected to past forgeries. The autograph will stand on its own. There will always be people who see the Marino family name and won't want anything associated with it, even if its legit. That's their perogative, but it means that much more for the rest of us, who want Ali's signature and not Angelo's. but also don't let the Angelo connection sink a good autograph.

however, if you put one on ebay, you cant just tell ebay that this guy or that guy checked them out. because they dont listen, they will go with what psa or whoever they have on staff thinks. thats a big problem, but its not something anyone else can solve. i think having the photo of ali signing the lithographs would help prove your case to ebay in case they tried to pull it. but otherwise it is a crabshoot.

If they are hell bent on taking them off of ebay, then they will, and it will be because someone reported it and psa or someone else they rely on agreed, (rightly or wrongly), and saying that this boxing guy or that one liked it won't help unfortunately. I wish it would help.

The good news is that good, legit Ali signatures are good legit Ali signatures. Nothing can change it and there will always be a market for it.
If you do put it up on ebay and it gets pulled. Just wait about a month. There is going to be a new auction place for people to sell autographs like ebay. More news on this as it becomes available, but I was told tonight that they are 3-4 weeks away from launching. There will be a new 3rd party authentication company also, one that guarantee's it's opinion with a money back promise. SO not only will you get a opinion, you will get one that is backed by cold hard cash!
More details soon...
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