Thread: Getting old
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Old 04-29-2021, 09:09 AM
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TedWill1939 TedWill1939 is offline
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 42

Great topic and thoughts!

I'm 45 and over the pandemic picked up skateboarding again with my son, after 20 yrs of not skating. He picked it up fast and fearless. I can't do what I once did but I'm having a great time. Wih that I'm getting back into music that I listened to years ago, but took a back burner. While its rehashing the past, it is getting out of the day to day mindset.

The small town that I live in is going through major gentrifictaion, kicked into overdrive by NYC people fleeing the city. Change is real hard for locals, myself included. Slow change is meaningful and lasting. Most people accept and adapt. Being steam rolled by quick progression can leave people bitter and angry. There are some institutions and "old ways" that are worth perserving and passing down that link us as a community. Throwing the baby out with the bath water creates division.

That said, I hope the younger generation reject the nonsense internet junk. It has done a lot of damage to people across generations. I think the children will be pissed that mommy and daddy shared there whole life on facebook.
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