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Old 08-10-2022, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry View Post
I googled "cattle futures" but I don't think I found what you were pointing to. I would read into it if you provide more info.

I think the gas example is a good one, and I agree. Three industries that come to mind right away where I think more regulation would benefit consumers (the specific regulation would look different in each case) are 1) banking, 2) airlines, 3) cable companies. Various companies in these spaces regularly operate in unethical ways and our government allows them to get away with it (and in some cases, gives them government handouts).

As to the HIV/COVID scenario you bring up, I have to think about that more before opining.
The reference to cattle futures was a bad example, sorry. Suffice it to say, prominent politicians have gotten away with all sorts of things due to their privilege. They are safer from accountability than the rest of us, including businessmen with lawyers. Try googling "Chappaquiddick" instead.

My example, to be clear, was regulation of individual gas stations, not the gas industry. When I go to a gas station I'll never go to again, and the owner sees my out of state plate and figures that out, he could be tempted to cheat me, knowing I'd have little recourse. But because his dispensers are regularly checked for accuracy by the government, it's very difficult for him to do so.
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