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Old 12-21-2020, 05:06 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
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Default no long stories

although I have some. I met Jerry around 30 years ago (?) when he was still teaching as was I. I was just getting into 19th century baseball cards after getting my first - an N43 large Ginter Champions card from Rich Galasso that had appeared in an auction in SCD :-) We were to meet to talk about Goodwin, Kimball, Ginter issues and I think we did so at a library (his idea) followed by a visit to his house. He brought down xerox copies of his N43's to look at! We bonded as an odd couple - he could be unrelenting and I can be a pain in the ass - we both loved the art and content of the "N" cards and we were always willing to discuss the nuances including the packs even when Jerry was wrong . We'd meet for an occasional breakfast or for something at one of the National's - when he bought that recording camera and went around taking pictures and interviews - he never lost his focus despite his failing hearing :-0
I have on my wall a triangular Old Judge banner with flying cherubs I first saw on Jerry's wall on that very first day we met. He said he wanted to sell it but guess it was a pricing thing (CRS) and I didn't buy it. Few years later while thumbing through an Oser auction catalog I spy a lot with a tiny pic (old style flimsy magazine auction catalog-each lot picture was like 1" square) - it's the banner! You could not tell what it was if you didn't know in advance. I "won" it - might have been only bidder. Oh boy. I didn't tell him right away - held off a bit - he went on a rant about auctions and devil's incarnate but of course it wasn't my fault.
He was stubborn with a big heart. RIP Jerry......
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