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Old 09-28-2005, 12:06 PM
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Default There seems to be a lot of confusion lately over terms

Posted By: warshawlaw

There was a rather lengthy controversy over rooky 13 and Delgado and Ryan, etc., where Rooky 13 identified himself as an "agent" and I've been provided with info by other people claiming to be "agents" of others when they were really consignment sellers.

Just FYI, an "agent" is someone who is vested with power to represent someone else, called a "principal" and to bind that principal to obligations. A consignment seller is independent and has only the ability to sell the item consigned to him and not to bind the principal to obligations.

If you say you are someone's agent, you are saying that you speak for that person and can cause that person to incur liability. So be careful of using the term "agent" loosely when you really mean something else.

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