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Old 07-28-2015, 09:03 AM
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pawpawdiv9 pawpawdiv9 is offline
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PSA will grade nearly every card submitted. Cards having significant flaws will receive "qualified" grades as follows:

OC (Off Center):
When the centering of the card falls below the minimum standard for that grade will be designated "OC." PSA determines centering by comparing the measurements of the borders from left to right and top to bottom. The centering is designated as the percent of difference at the most off-center part of the card. A 5% leeway is given to the front centering minimum standards for cards which grade NM 7 or better. For example, a card that meets all of the other requirements for PSA MINT 9 and measures 60/40 off-center on the front automatically meets the PSA front centering standards for MINT 9. If a card meets all of the other requirements for PSA MINT 9 and measures 65/35 off-center on the front, it may be deemed to meet the PSA front centering standards for MINT 9 if the eye appeal of the card is good.

ST (Staining):
Cards with staining below the minimum standards for the grade will be designated "ST."

PD (Print Defect):
Cards with significant printing defects will be designated "PD."

OF (Out of Focus):
Cards with focus below the minimum standards for the grade will be designated "OF."

MK (Marks):
Cards with writing, ink marks, pencil marks, etc. or evidence of the impression left from the act of writing will be designated "MK."

MC (Miscut):
Cards that exhibit an atypical cut for the issue or ones that contain partial portions of more than one card will be designated "MC."

PSA will not grade cards that bear evidence of trimming, re-coloring, restoration, or any other forms of tampering, or are of questionable authenticity. In addition, PSA does not grade autographed cards dated earlier than 1998 or any cards manufactured by Star except Star Baseball and 1996 Star Topps (reprint) Basketball Cards; only factory imprint signatures can be graded.

Based on this, you would get a ST qulafier, but would it be better to 'opt out' of the qualifier?? even if it results in a lower grade?
Which would you have a PSA 5 of a PSA 7(ST). I always heard/thought a qualifiers makes it drop 2 grades.
1916-20 UNC Big Heads
Need: Ping Bodie
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