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Old 03-11-2007, 05:09 PM
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Default The Top 5 Hofer's

Posted By: blackborder

1. Babe Ruth (good grief, the guy was a power hitter who had a lifetime .342 average and almost 100 wins pitching with a .671 winning percentage which was higher than Cy Young, Christy Mathewson, or Walter Johnson!)

2. Walter Johnson (417 wins and had he not played for the dismal Washington teams of the deadball era, he would have probably had 500+ wins)

3. Ty Cobb (not a nice person to be sure but you have to give him his due as probably the greatest competitor baseball has ever known)

4. John McGraw. (not only was he a great manager but also a great player, with a lifetime average of .334. He also changed the game of baseball and brought it into the modern era, both as a player in Baltimore and as a manager in New York.)

5. This is a tough choice, there are a dozen players who could be number 5. I'm going with Micky Mantle. He was one of the greatest players of all time even though he was playing way below 100% most of the time due to injuries. Had he been healthy, he might have been the greatest player of all time.)

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