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Old 03-23-2020, 04:01 PM
Shoeless Moe Shoeless Moe is offline
Paul Gruszka aka P Diddy, Cambo, Fluke, Jagr, PG13, Bon Jokey, Paulie Walnuts
Pa.ul Grus.zka
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Over by there
Posts: 4,702

I know some don't like my WWII analogy to all of the current mess.


We lost over 405,000 Americans in WWII, and I'd say the vast majority were 18-30 years old young men. To me that's a lot sadder, then losing an 80 or 90 year old who have had quite a run.

We've lost 4 or 500 old people here. A handful of non-old. Even if we lose 20K when all is said and done, it's not close to 400K. And we came back strong after WWII, losing 400K. America needs to lose the we have to save every one mentality. This is now a new world. Some will die. We are not saving everyone. And destroying lives and the economy will be far worse then 500 old people dying sorry. It's like the Titanic folks, not everyone is getting in a lifeboat.

Yes its a mess, but it's not a mass killer. Less then 1% who get it will die. The FEAR promoted by the media, has contributed to beating the sh-t out of the economy and caused mass panic. It'd be nice if they used their platform to heal and get everyone back to work fairly soon. Shut NY for a month, maybe CA too (although that Gov. is an exagerrator - he just wants to look like the hero when the numbers are way low, you do the opposite and its political suicide, I get it), but the rest need to get back in a week or 2.

We need to get tough, isolate the old only, the rest of America get our asses back to work. Yes we are going to lose some people, sucks, sucks bad, but pretty soon enough is enough and we fight through it.

We defeated the British, the Japs, the Nazis, the Terrorists, we are going to get taken by a Chinese Virus?

NO we are not.

Last edited by Shoeless Moe; 03-23-2020 at 04:20 PM.
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