Thread: UV question
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Old 04-20-2021, 06:35 AM
YazFenway08 YazFenway08 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 524
Default UV question

hoping to get some experiential data on a couple of basic questions...

I don't have a man cave...and I am tired of not seeing parts of my collection.

do the Ultra Pro "ball cubes" really provide solid UV protection as advertised?

Are there similar UV protection "holders" for cards? I assume that TPG slabs have no UV coating, but not sure.

I know museums have myriad ways of protecting artwork (exterior glass, individual protective glass, etc) but I am not quite ready for a full home renovation. Just curious about what options might exist. I don't have ultra-valuable autographs and collectibles...but nice enough to not want to do something stupid

thanks in advance

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