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Old 10-23-2011, 12:38 AM
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chaddurbin chaddurbin is offline
qu@n nguy3n
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Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
I once had someone on the board beg me for a rare cigar box - they claimed that it was from a company that their family had founded, and it would mean a lot to them to have it, but they couldn't afford to pay my asking price (which was more than fair). I gave it to them for a song, and guess what? They flipped it shortly thereafter and made a huge profit.
this. you being a soulless greed-driven do anything for a buck cardshark is fine...just don't drag your family history, dying father, handicapped son, or current medical condition in to get over on us. we're easy and friendly, it would've probably worked without the sob story. save those for when you really need it, not for a card you'll flip a week later.

at least we don't get the "PU of the year" on the main board and a few days later card shows up on BST for at least 2x...or soliciting offers while posting card in the PU thread.
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