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Old 07-29-2020, 03:00 PM
Den*nis O*Brien Den*nis O*Brien is offline
Den*nis O*Brien
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Northern Wisconsin
Posts: 493
Default Howdy Wayne,

Originally Posted by cannonballsun View Post
I'm from Louisiana. I understand why many people do (as well as many don't) like and wave the Confederate flag. I don't get why anyone up north would like and wave a Confederate flag.
I can only think of one reason. It seems to be a proud proclamation that the Confederate flag waver up north is a racist. Am I wrong ? What would the other reasons be ?
I am happy to engage in a conversation with You on this most important subject. Thank you for your interest!!! You are not wrong that the display of the stars & bars is a completely racist expression. Not only in display but verbal expression. Allow me to tell you that when George Wallace ran for President in Wisconsin's Presidential Preferential Primary , in the early , 1970's-------in Price County and Emery Township specificly George Wallace reigned supreme.. That sentiment is pervasive to this day. It will not go away or evolve into modern day thinking. I will share with you that I moved here from Ann Arbor Michigan---"The Harvard Of The Midwest" to meet this culture head on. And surviving ,at gun point,this "Back Woods Ignorance" I remain A warrior for social justice. Hey the goobers lost the war ( as they should have) . but some neanderthals didn't get the news in a timely fashion. Very sincerely, Dennis
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