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Old 03-18-2005, 12:10 PM
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Default Evans responds to Bushing

Posted By: Dan Bretta

This information is available from SCDA in a brochure that I was given on my trip to Chicago.

SCD Authentic Bat Grading Criteria

A10: 100% documented and authenticated bat
Factory production details of the bat has been compared to known records and have been determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics of the bat have been examined and heavy signs of use and other combined traits of the player are present. A bat being graded A-10 also has rock solid provenance and history. This documentation in the form of side writing, vault marking, or ironclad letter of provenance.

A9: Strong documentation and authenticated bat
Factory production details of the bat has been compared to known records and have been determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics of the bat have been examined and heavy signs of use and other combined traits of the player are present. Documentation comes in the form of verifiable team letter, indesputable photographic evidence, charity auction letter, scout/major league employee letter, teammate, family member/spouse, coach, umpire, or executive, or vintage characteristics unique to that particular player are present and easily distinguishable.

A8: Authenticated bat with heavy use and multiple player characteristics present
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics of the bat have been examined and heavy signs of use and other combined traits of the player are present.

A7: Authenticated bat with moderate/medium use and exhibits player characteristics
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics of the bat have been examined and moderate/medium signs of use and other combined traits of the player are present.

A6: authenticated bat with light use and some or no player characteristics
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics of the bat have been examined and show light signs of use with some or no player traits present.

A5: Authenticated bat with noted proems of usage or player characteristics
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics have been examined and negative traits are present. This includes no game use, one or more layers of wood missing from the bat, damage affecting label or factory signature, water damage, screws or nails applied by someone other than the batboy.

A4: Authenticated bat with additional noted problems of usage and/or player characteristics
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to perfectly match recorded length, weight, model, and proper labeling period. Physical characteristics have been examined and negative traits are present. This includes but is not limited to three or more layers of wood missing from the bat, heavy damage affecting label, and factory signature or model number. Heavy signs of water damage on barrel, knob or handle. Uniform number may not be correct for the player model.

A3: Authenticated bat not entirely matching facotry records or having major usage or player characteristics problems
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to have discrepancies with known records. Examples are the bat exhibits a length, weight, model or labeling period that is not recorded via factory records. Excessive negative physical traits are present.

A2: Authenticated bat with no factory records
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to have no matching characteristics. Manufacturing characteristics are present, but cannot be verified via know factory records. Player characteristics may be present.

A1: Authenticated bat from unknown company matching some known player characteristics
Factory production details of the bat have been compared to known records and determined to have no matching characteristics. No known manufacturing characteristics are present and cannot be verified via known factory records. Some player characteristics may be present. Usually reserved for bats from unknown or obscure companies.

Half Point: Half points may be added or subtracted from a given grade based on the following circumstances: measuring degrees of usage/lack of use, number of positive player characteristics or missing trait(s), amounts of negative use/abuse, and for the inclusion of a pinpointed bat order specific to one order of bats sent to a player recorded via the factory records.


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