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Old 02-15-2012, 07:41 AM
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kllrbee kllrbee is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 189

Race....ignorance....derogatory....blah, blah, blah.

People need to lighten up!

I swear nothing gets people more fired up than racial talk (maybe religion) and Im totally sick of it.

I got my Bachelors in Biological Anthropology. 99.9% of biological anthropologists (ie...experts on the subject) as well as most if not all scientists who work in the broader field of life sciences agree that the term "race" is not even applicable for the physical differences we see in human beings.
If the religious right would back off and let the educational system teach evolution thoroughly in school, then this "race" crap would not be such an issue. Simply because it would be understood that the color of ones skin is so small a difference in our genetic makeup, that it would be deemed insignificant in "classification" of differences in Homo sapiens.

Im not just saying this to be PC, this is what I truly believe. I am 100% certain of the validity of evolution. It is not a so called "theory" to me, but more of a proof, such as E=mc2 or pythagoras theorem.
No matter what u believe, the fact is we are ALL related.

Also, people throw around the word ignorant all the time. I think they are ignorant of the definition of the word itself. It simply means to not know about the subject at hand. So when someone says something "racist", it does not automatically make them ignorant as well. They might know a great deal about the people or culture they are making the remark about. It just makes them an A**hole.

Ultimately, unless you all drop the term race from your vocabulary and realize that by evolutionary standards, we as Homo sapiens are all the same, you are all ignorant.

Now, lets talk vintage cards!!!!
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