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Old 04-14-2018, 09:44 PM
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Gary Dunaier Gary Dunaier is offline
"Thumbs Down Guy"
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 785

Originally Posted by mcgwirecom View Post
I've seen some reprints, like Roy Halladays Perfect Game that don't show a print date . This particular style was reprinted and no print date added. Some other styles had them.
I ordered a "souvenir commemorative" Halladay Perfect Game ticket from the Marlins after the fact. What I received was printed on Ticketmaster stock. Note the A10JUN0 date in the lower left corner - this indicates the date the ticket was printed (6/10/10), proving this ticket was printed AFTER the game and thus is a "souvenir commemorative" ticket and not an actual ticket that was used, or could have been used, to attend the game.

(The barcode does appear on the ticket. I removed it from the scan for security purposes.)

They were charging actual ticket prices for the "souvenir" tickets, as if you were buying an actual ticket to attend the game. Good for them because they make money but bad for us because, well, what's the point in paying a premium price for a premium seat to a game that you can't attend? It's not like the location of the seat has any bearing on the value of the ticket, right?
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