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Old 01-27-2021, 10:04 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Sadly, I knew the anti-vaxxers would jump on this the second I saw Hank had passed. Kennedy was a danger to our society long before Covid roared it's ugly head. Him and his kind were responsible for measles outbreaks all across our country, that we thought we had wiped out years it's magnified even more then it already was.

Also aware of the Norwegian report, which is an unfortunate reminder that our elderly are compromised no matter which way you slice it.

Ironically, a lot of the people pointing these anecdotes out, are also the same ones who keep changing the goal posts on what they think should be acceptable

1st it was Covid was a hoax, concocted specifically to make a certain politician look bad.

2nd it was Covid is no different then the flu. Kills old people and sick people who were already going to die anyways. What's the biggie? Wake me up when 50,000 or more people actually die of this thing.

3rd it became, might as well be Covid. Hide the old people and sick people away if you don't want them to die, but don't make me do anything as unconstitutional as wear a mask, or not hug my grandmama completely unprotected at the families 4th of July picnic. As a matter of fact, I might even throw a Covid party. Really strengthen my immune system up. I'm not a big fan of grandmama anyways. Herd immunity Baby!!!!

Lastly, here's a sobering snapshot of the up to date CDC page, with the 7 day rolling averages of the death rate from Covid.

Please tap me on the shoulder when the death rate from the Covid vaccine, approaches the death rate from the actual Covid.

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