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Old 03-18-2013, 01:42 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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Originally Posted by shelly View Post
If I remember there have been many comments made about him. Some good mostly bad. My question is? If they use Psa and Jimmy why would you go to other people?
That's the dumbest thing i have ever heard, if they use psa and jimmy that is the biggest reason to go to someone else, and mueller is a stand up guy who knows his stuff, the mueller haters are just people who love the status quo of psa and jsa trying to control the autograph world.

Pristine states global and jsa as their authenticators.

The mueller coa you see is todd's coa that he includes on everything he sells, the items that are listed as authentication: Todd Mueller are items that are consigned that already had a mueller coa because the consignor bought it from Todd, or bought it from soeone who bought it from Todd.

Todd is not a third party authenticator like jsa or global who certs stuff that he doesn't own. that's what is confusing you. but if he ever did that he would be a top notch guy to go to within his specialties. I can vouch for him, he knows what he is doing. He broke the pawn stars al pacino story when psa and jsa';s guy Reznikoff didnt know the difference between al pacino's signature and al ruddy's signature. Todd knew instantly. Todd is 'da man!

Last edited by travrosty; 03-18-2013 at 01:50 PM.
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