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Old 07-22-2011, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by canjond View Post
The scientific and medical communities have benefited immensely from the shuttle programs, even if those achievements are not as glamorous and newsworthy like the Apollo missions were.

Just a small sampling of breakthroughs that have resulted from the shuttle program include:

•"cool" laser heart surgery technology
•body imaging
•infrared thermometer
•light emitting diodes (LED)
•composite forceps
•digital mammography

It's sad and disheartning that we are taking a (hopefully) temporary break from space. IMO, our leaders should be ashamed of their poor planning.
Very well said.

As far as the goal of the space program, I imagine the main goal would be to find signs of life in the universe, or evidence of life having existed in space before on other planets or in other galaxies. I think this is what the space station is about- testing the waters, so to speak, with humans living in space for extended periods of time, maybe with the ultimate goal of having them stay in space for longer periods of time further out in space. This is just my take- I honestly don't follow the space program too much. I guess I'd rather see money spent on this instead of us occupying all of these foreign countries in the name of "war on terror" or running guns into Mexico and giving them to the drug cartels, or like the examples above- shrimp on a treadmill??? WTF ???

Apologize if I'm ranting, I've just been bothered lately about the mess our country is in.

Sincerely, Clayton
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