Thread: R E Question
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Old 05-01-2013, 07:24 PM
BigJJ BigJJ is offline
J0n Fu.ld
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 613


I wish your family well too.

Withdrawal was not a great idea from a financial point of view. And what was of concern, among a few other items, was that few make decisions contrary to their financial incentive.

I think your only means of rehabbing the withdrawal decision is to present additional positive information - (i) be forthright with regard to the particulars of provenance, just stand tall and do it, and (ii) get a PSA cert in addition for all of the photos. can ask REA, or another house, Hunt, SCP, Heritage, Lelands, etc. to ask PSA to review additional information you provide and the auction houses may cover upfront -discounted- costs for PSA review.

I think if you can get a second (PSA) cert, and provide more details regarding provenance, you may make up for the withdrawal.

With regard to historical items, you are buying a percentage chance of authenticity. 90% chance a piece is signed by Ruth, the price is 7k, 70% chance of authenticity, the price if 5k, 50% chance the price is 3k etc etc. (these are not the actual prices, just illustrative).

And this is because the more knowledgeable collectors will compete for the higher percentage pieces. You want to increase the percentage chance of an autograph being real when you present it to market. It is not just a question of getting a cert and finding a willing auction house. You want 10k, 20k - not 3k, 5k! Give as much information as you can, and get the additional PSA if you can.

I wish you and your family well.

Last edited by BigJJ; 05-02-2013 at 01:56 PM.
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