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Old 04-08-2021, 07:02 AM
Jason19th Jason19th is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 854

Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
Are you talking about the same science that said they "have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission" of the Coronavirus? That science?
No, I am talking about the peer reviewed and rigorous study that has been done by the Centers for Disease Control over the last year plus. I am talking about the studies that have been completed by world renown Universities in America and Europe. I am not talking about a self serving statement made early in an outbreak by a totalitarian government.
Let’s stop pretending that this is a political or even disputed issue. Covid is an airborne virus that is spread by droplets. We are within a couple months of widespread immunity and transmission will drop. Why can’t we just wait a bit more and finish the job. Baseball can be done much more safely than Texas is deciding to do. A small sacrifice of having 25% capacity would have a huge impact.

I am not asking for the world to close. I am not asking to close many business. I agree with the science that says that most kids should be back in person. All I am asking is that we don’t pack 50,000 people into a stadium for a couple of months

Jason Mishelow