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Old 11-17-2014, 02:58 PM
gopherfan gopherfan is offline
Rob Anderson
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 158

Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
I can't understand how any football fan would want the strongest conference in the nation to beat themselves out of having a rep in the 'final 4'.
Because I am tired of the SEC. I understand they are the best conference. I don't believe they are head and shoulders above every other conference. I am also sick of every SEC lover telling me that when a very mediocre A&M team beats Auburn that it's because they are all so great, but when Arizona beats Oregon, or Ohio State beats Michigan State, that it's because they just weren't that good to begin with.

I'm also tired of them playing sisters of the poor for their non-conference games and everyone excuses it because, "the conference schedule is such a grind". When it happens in other conferences, people talk about the weakness of the schedule.

A&M and Mizzou weren't super awesome when they were in the Big12, but they did fine moving over to the SEC. Did they get that much better overnight? Or was the SEC maybe not soooo much better then every other conference?

/end rant
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