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Old 07-14-2016, 10:01 AM
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Kyle May
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Northeast Ohio
Posts: 1,897
Default Storage/Display PC Methods?

Hey y'all. I have a couple different PC's that I'm trying to figure out how to display. I've read and heard different opinions about certain ways to store/display their cards. So without further adieu, here are the PC's I'm wishing to sort/store/display and my methods so far.

1) Jim Thome PC. I don't know how many base I have (hundreds), but I have 1 auto, some GU/relics, and lots of RCs.
- Method: Right now, I have them all in a cardboard box (750 card box I think). I'm thinking about putting all of the base in a binder, while displaying the relics/GU/Autos/RCs on a shelf next to the binder. Thoughts?

2) Topps PC. This is one card from every year Topps has made cards (starts in 1951).
- Method: Thinking about putting them in a binder. Is that ok for vintage? Thoughts?

3) HoF PC. I love collecting HoF base.
- Method: I'd like to put all of these cards in a binder with alphabetic dividers, sorted by last name. I'm currently working on getting the last card of each HoF I can. I think I'll include those in the binder? Obviously, when I get to the point of acquiring 1952 Mantles and such, those will stay out, as I'll get them slabbed. Thoughts?

Obviously, binders are my main method. Right now everything is in cardboard boxes. Let me know all of your thoughts, methods, etc.!

P.S. If this isn't the proper thread, please move or delete. Couldn't find a thread for this stuff.
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