Thread: Clayton Kershaw
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Old 08-13-2016, 03:14 PM
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Nick Barnes
Join Date: May 2016
Location: South Mississippi
Posts: 757

Originally Posted by CMIZ5290 View Post
Nick- I have tried to follow you but some of your threads don't make sense to me. You are the guy that thinks 3000 hits is drastically overrated....Jim Kaat? Really? career ERA of 3.50? And please, get off this WAR contribution bullshit. Let's talk baseball....Would you actually take Kaat over Bob Feller in a must win game? I don't think so....The verbiage on this thread is remarkable and way too extensive. I would venture to say that the book War and Peace was more simplified. Holy Crap
who ever said I would prefer Kaat over Feller? I would take Feller over a lot of guys in the HOF, that doesn't mean they don't belong there.

ERA is not a very good stat, it's better than using win and losses, but it doesn't do as good a job at describing pitching performance as we have been lead to believe over the years. FIP and peripherals are better.

WAR is the best stat at comparing players across eras in one easy number. It's not perfect, but it's a heckuva lot better than using the old counting stats everyone seems so addicted to.

I do think 3000 hits is a milestone for the player's career, but it IS NOT an indicator for a good hitter. Too many fans are hung up on the old ways of judging players, we have found those ways are mostly incorrect. Time to evolve or get left behind, this is the way of things.
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