Thread: SGC pricing
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Old 02-14-2008, 06:52 PM
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Default SGC pricing

Posted By: scott

So after about 3 years I gathered up the energy to send some cards into SGC for grading. I guess some of the rules changed as I received a call from SGC at the office today. They too noticed that its been a long period since I've submitted anything. The gentleman that called told me that you shouldn't send any cards in screw downs as there will be an additional charge to remove them. Ok what he said was logical as older card cards can get adhered to the plastic and when removed can , in some cases , damage the card. He then told me that one or two of the cards submitted may get billed at a higher rate then listed. Why ? because the value I gave the cards are higher then what they may think the cards may be worth. Why would they be asking me the person that submitted the cards what the value is? I based the value on what I paid. Now it becomes subjective. I find this a strange way to put a value to a service based on the value of a card. The amount of work and expetise to grade say and N172 in a grade 3 is the same as a grade 7...Yet they want to charge more for the service. I'm a bit perplexed. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter? Why pay $20 for a Ramly if its graded say a 6 Vs $10 if its graded a 4????? Hey I've always put my faith in SGC graded cards but this policy just isn't correct. Someone with long hair pays the barber the same price for a cut as someone with short hair. Including me who's just about bald.

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