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Old 12-23-2022, 04:26 PM
Smarti5051 Smarti5051 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 171

I know neither of the actors here, but it sure sounds like a business I would not want to work with. Mistakes happen and it sucks. But, how you fix the mistake says alot about you. I also don't excuse a business because they have to filter out other "bad actors." The OP says he has spent over $20K in a previous auction and had to fight to receive what he paid for after being accused of committing fraud himself. If I was in the same situation, upon discovering my company had royally screwed up, I guarantee you (1) the customer would receive a heartfelt "mea culpa" and promise to do better; and (2) that customer's name would go on a list of folks that deserve the benefit of the doubt in the future.

The only benefit of the OP's experience is that he hopefully has been burned enough by this guy to never deal with him in the future. Nobody deserves to be treated like that when pursuing a hobby they are supposed to be enjoying, especially when they are the ones trading their hard earned cash for a couple sheets of cardboard.

I have only had a couple problems come up while pursuing this hobby, and the big shops have bent over backwards to make things right. That is how you keep customers and grow your business.

If there is another side to this story, I would love to hear it, because the information presented so far paints a pretty bad picture of the AH.