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Old 08-09-2022, 08:13 PM
jethrod3 jethrod3 is offline
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Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 View Post
Citing the Chief Medical Officer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention isn't a viable source for you? Isn't that what everyone else does - cite Tony "dog killer" Fauci and the CDC blindly? Speaking of peer-reviewed studies, where are all of the studies that provide concrete proof anything the CDC/Fauci has done/recommended has saved any lives? They simply send out their White House mouthpieces to defend their positions with generic takes. Anyways, the CMO mentioned the "pandemic's" affect on the population's mental health. That encompasses the measures enacted by the government, including masks. I've talked to speech therapists who have seen a huge uptick in speech issues in our youth since the "pandemic". I've talked to teachers who have seen social issues in our youth. Who is to be held accountable for these outcomes?

Congratulations on working in the medical field - didn't realize this was a **** measuring contest of how connected we were to our sources? I'm sure their paychecks, especially if they're working in the ER, help diminish any concerns over CO2 levels with extended mask wearing. NFL players risk CTE and all sorts of other health issues, but their paychecks diminish those concerns as well. Sorry to hear about the loss of some of your colleagues. I'm not going to get into the guilt trip attempt of anti-vax/anti-mask people recanting their beliefs, or labeling dying/dead people as "stupid" as you did.

Ask your colleagues if healthy eating, exercise, proper sleep, and less stress is a good COVID/illness prevention method. Would love to hear their takes on that, and why the White House/CDC/Fauci refused to suggest such methods.
I'm asking honestly if you bothered to really read the message you responded to. The CMO would have been a viable source if quoting data on something relevant to your speaking point we were debating, which is wearing a mask and the harm caused by CO2 levels. Citing mask-wearing as a main contributor to mental health issues and speech issues makes as much sense as attributing the slight decrease in lung cancer death rates expected in the coming years to mask wearing because people smoked less cigarrettes. Maybe it's a determinant, but most probably it is not and right now there are no data to support it. If you don't have evidence just admit that it's speculation that you might use to spin your own story and justify your own beliefs. It's not against the law to do that. But something you also should think twice about commenting on is the paycheck of people in the medical profession, even in the ER. In fact, many on the front lines that wore masks all day and treated COVID patients both in and out of the ER made many times less than the average annual NFL salary of >$800K. And they assumed a greater perceived risk at the start of the pandemic. Even now the risks are not completely known. As for your comment about the guilt trip, if you choose to see it that way, that's your prerogative. I won't apologize though for thinking a person stupid (or in the best case scenario, uninformed) if they were capable of being vaccinated (e.g., no medically-related reason to not get vaccinated) but did not get vaccinated, and refused to mask up at the height of the pandemic. I also won't apologize for thinking this because I have heard enough direct quotes from caregivers and in newscasts where the patients themselves admitted their mistakes and felt stupid about their choices. Pretty simple choice actually---if you can take steps (e.g., vaccination) to safeguard against the possibility of a more severe case and hospitalization, why not take those steps? Instead, we have people that threw up their hands and screamed "but my rights!" and they are entitled to do that, but then when they are hospitalized with COVID, or when they spread COVID like at the Trump super-spreader events, it impacted all of us because (and I admit I am just speculating here----I have no hard data) all of us (the vaccinated and unvaccinated) will likely end up paying higher insurance rates to cover those costs.

I'm not going to waste my breath talking trying to change your mind about Fauci since I can tell you've already condemned that man. I disagree with that stance. What you should understand though, is that science evolves, sometimes over short periods like days and weeks, and opinions can and do change based on science. The guy has my respect and many of my colleagues at NIH that work directly with him. His body of work on HIV and other areas of research before COVID speak to his impact on science and health. You might do a literature search on him in your spare time if you like. Of course, if you'd rather support the folks that pushed bleach injections and ivermectin, it's still a free country!
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