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Old 07-15-2016, 10:15 PM
BenG76 BenG76 is offline
Ben Martin
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Virginia
Posts: 139

1) Jim Thome PC. I don't know how many base I have (hundreds), but I have 1 auto, some GU/relics, and lots of RCs.
- Method: Right now, I have them all in a cardboard box (750 card box I think). I'm thinking about putting all of the base in a binder, while displaying the relics/GU/Autos/RCs on a shelf next to the binder. Thoughts?

I collect Fred McGriff as well as a few others. I tried the binder method for a while but it made keeping up with things difficult for me. I keep all my base, inserts, autos, etc. in top loaders in order by my checklist. I have this PC in 5 of the two row shoe boxes. I display some bigger items like Starting Lineups or Magazines but I do not display cards.I probably have 1200 or so different McGriff cards plus I have a box for doubles of the guys I collect and I keep them in the same type of order but they are only penny sleeved and in a 5000 count box.

2) Topps PC. This is one card from every year Topps has made cards (starts in 1951).
- Method: Thinking about putting them in a binder. Is that ok for vintage? Thoughts?

I would probably go with the binder method on these. I would get the pages for the larger cards from the 50's to fit the early cards.

3) HoF PC. I love collecting HoF base.
- Method: I'd like to put all of these cards in a binder with alphabetic dividers, sorted by last name. I'm currently working on getting the last card of each HoF I can. I think I'll include those in the binder? Obviously, when I get to the point of acquiring 1952 Mantles and such, those will stay out, as I'll get them slabbed. Thoughts?

I would probably do binders for these as well unless they are more valuable cards. If they are more valuable I would probably organize them the same way I do my PC collections.
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