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Old 05-24-2023, 10:33 AM
BobC BobC is online now
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by FrankWakefield View Post
In response to BobC's headscratcher observation...

My mind is stuck in old movies...

The King and I, Yul Brynner, "Tis great puzzlement."

With what little info we have, I think Todd's thought of a different supplier of the premiums makes sense, I wonder which one came first (just assuming they weren't simultaneous).

Scott's Weaver and my Wood both have the same SERIAL No. (I wonder why all capital letters), and a different Premium No.

Oh for the time machine... go back in time and spend a few dollars on mail in full sets of those Cracker Jack cards, get good odds and put down a good mid season bet on the Boston Braves winning the 1914 World Series, and stuff like that... eventually I'd go try to figure out this Ferguson Bakery stuff.
Rather than coming from a different supplier, could it be that the differing serial numbers/stamps was done for different distributors? Maybe the same company manufacturing all the pennants then sold them to different distributors, and used the differing stamps, serial numbers, etc. to differentiate the items for the different distributors? It has been determined that these BF2 pennants are now no longer considered as strictly a Ferguson Bakery item, IIRC, and actually may not have had anything to do with Ferguson Bakery as their distributor at all. And the images used are the same as those used on the M101-4 cards, which were I believe produced by a firm out of Chicago. So really hard to say exactly why the differing back stamps on these BF2 pennants. I wish the smaller red printing on the back stamps in the image Matty shared were more visible. As I noted in an earlier post, there is an additional 4-digit code or number on each of those, which seems to be based on the subject shown on the pennant, as demonstrated by my having two Guy Morton BF3 pennants with the same 4-digit number on each. The larger number on those other back stamps are different though, so no idea what those are supposed to represent then, but they clearly seem to not represent the image on the pennant. As noted earlier, a bit of a head scratcher IMO. Interesting topic and discussion though.
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