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Old 03-23-2023, 07:47 PM
Kenmarks Kenmarks is offline
Ken Marks
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: California
Posts: 126
Default Dan Mabey Books

Recently Dan unearthed his old floppy disks from the turn of this century that contained his book material. He is now going thru and working on being able to recover the book material to be able to reissue his books. Floppy disks are not easy to work with in these days. As a result it sounds like it is a bit of an uphill battle, but he also seems pretty committed. These books are going to be the same as the past and will not be updated for any new stuff unearthed since. That really is not a problem since there is only a miniscule amount of changes that could be made to the books today. They are classics and so many of us learned the basics of Post Cereal card collecting from Dan and his books. No timetable for completion that I have hard of.
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