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Old 10-04-2010, 02:19 PM
RobertGT RobertGT is offline
R0bert Ge,ntieu
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Eastern Pennsylvania
Posts: 331

How does CC evade criminal prosecution? From what I understand, they provide a refund to anyone who complains that an autograph is bogus without any hassle -- thereby protecting themselves from an actual theft accusation. I believe they then turn around and charge the consignor of said bogus merchandise a "returned item" fee.

They only stay in business by playing the odds - that A) most people can't determine a real autograph from a fake one, B) trust the CC cert actually means something or C) don't want to spend the money to send the autograph to a real authenticator.

By my estimation, 95 percent of CC autograph buyers should be demanding a refund.
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