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Old 08-27-2016, 02:39 PM
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Dan Be$$e++e
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 1,158

First few words are copied and pasted from the FB forum, sorry.

Just got back from vacation. I go to the same place every August and there's a card shop nearby, run by an older guy out of his house. My boys and I always visit and my favorite thing to do is sift through his "M.A.S.H. Box." It's full of beaters, but priced accordingly, with lots of star power. It's a fun escape from graded cards, which are mostly what I collect these days. Notes below each photo.

Of my new additions, I'm most excited about the card above. For a few weeks now, I've had the itch to add my first 52 Topps. Don't know why one hadn't fallen into my lap before now. Happy to add this Jensen.

Already had a nicer copy of the Piersall and didn't realize it.

Bill White is a personal favorite. Possibly the most underrated player of the 60's. Got these 4 cards for a total of $3

I also love vintage league leader cards when they're chock full of HOFers. Got these 5 cards for $3

Love Kellogg's cards and thought it was interesting that these weren't "3D". Turns out this was the only year Kellogg's didn't use that effect, because they went with a different manufacturer (Panographics). These were 20 cents each.

Like I said, it's fun sometimes to throw condition out the window and buy cheap copies of iconic cards or iconic players.
Actively collecting Carl Yastrzemski !
Also 1964 & 68 Topps Venezuelans
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