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Old 12-10-2022, 08:15 PM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
It's all they've got. Science as an actual process of following an evidentiary basis, rational questioning and controlled testing of hypotheses has been replaced with a political 'science' that just preaches a narrative as if it is true and ignores any evidence to the contrary, even if it's basic and long known human biology. That the "vaccine" does not, even in the current left narrative, do what it was said to do by the authorities while they were trying to force it into everyone and destroy the lives of anyone who didn't comply should, in and of itself, make rational people step back and take a look at the actual evidence to see what is actually supportable in evidence. And perhaps at what a vaccine actually even is. Calling or implying that everyone who disagrees with the left on anything has is a racist and a nazi has been the default tactic for a decade plus now. It doesn't matter if it has absolutely nothing to do with race.

The evidence that this vaccine does harm, in a significant percentage of people, is non existent. It is clearly true that some people have had negative reactions, and even died as a result, but there is no evidence this is any kind of widespread issue. The evidence that it does anything to impact transmission, infection, or even functions as a vaccine as it was defined through 2019 is also basically non-existent. Pfizer even recently admitted, in court, that they never even tested its impact on transmission, because they didn't have to. At this point, everyone is too wed to not taking it or to justify the use of force to inject it into other people they were cheerleading to ever look at it with reason. The left narrative is changed almost weekly about it, but the core tenets can never be walked back, because to do so would make people complicit in the use of force under a lie. The party will always come before any honest examination for 90% of people, on both sides. The right will repeat anything that furthers a narrative it is bad, and the left will ignore any evidence that does not support a justification of their use of this disease to remove liberties and rights.
The bad for you narrative really hard to ever pivot out of...just has school for kids was bad for them, you dont hear anyone back away from those initial arguments even though we have tons of data...anyone get fired on closing the schools or opening them up early? so both were right?

To me until they make it ok to sue if a bad outcome on the vaccine all the arguments dont matter....vaccine is safe to can sue if something bad happens gives that position a much better argument

to me its almost like the death penalty, right now it costs more to get a death sentance than to keep them in jail...before we get to the deterrent impact or eye for an eye..or what if innocent person is killed or set up because of politics or unknown identical twin..i wont even get into that until its first cheaper to kill someone then put in jail.. its a LOT more expensive actually .both sides at least agree on that last point...

Last edited by 1952boyntoncollector; 12-10-2022 at 08:18 PM.
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