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Old 12-05-2020, 03:41 PM
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David Ru.dd Cycl.eback
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 3,470

There are strong trends but few absolutes in photographic history, such as about borders and time periods. For whatever rule one makes, there's bound to be an exception discovered.

Many trends are not because they could not do something, but because most didn't. Photographers tended to follow the in vogue trends.

Though stylistic trends are very essential to dating and authenticating photos. I have no particular knowledge about how and when Conlon used borders or what sizes he made, and don't follow his photos as closely as others here. Most Pre-1910 photos didn't have white borders, but that doesn't mean they couldn't or never did. 8x10" was an uncommon size back then, and, ordinarily, an 8x10" white-bordered photo would be assumed to be more modern. But that's a statement of trends or a population report, not a rule.

As a kid of maybe 8, I saw the Conlon image in the family encyclopedia and the image immediately captured my imagination. Something unconscious and neurological about it, as with many great artworks. I've had similar immediate experiences with a Vermeer and a Francis Bacon, some other famous artworks.

Last edited by drcy; 12-05-2020 at 04:49 PM.
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