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Old 05-09-2021, 04:15 PM
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Jcosta19 Jcosta19 is offline
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Originally Posted by Eric72 View Post
I've seen a growing number of similar BST threads lately. Quite a few of them contain cards that pique my interest. However, they don't have asking prices. To paraphrase all these threads:

"I have the following item. Trying to (insert excuse) so I'm listing it here. PM me with offers."

If you're selling something, don't ask others to price your inventory for you. That's lazy.

If you're trying to connect with the highest bidder, grow a pair and put your item up for auction.

If you're trying to squeeze every last dime out of people every time you make a sale, go sell used cars for a living.
Literally millions of ebay listing have a super high price with "or best offer." I dont see this as different.

If you want a card make just make a fair offer. Personally I have had much more luck doing so here on net54 than on ebay.

Some people like to haggle (myself included) back and forth a bit.
Lots of us are not dealer. If you don't like that type of transaction just avoid them.

I'd rather see these listings than the ones with firm prices trying to set record prices. And I bet if you search BST you will find far more of the latter.

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