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identify7It seems that I continue to make them, but so far none have really been killers. I buy too high, I sell too low, I get the short end of trades, I buy what I don't need and I don't buy what I do want.
I dunno.
Buying too high isn't too bad, because I definately get what I want.
Selling too low is also not too bad, because I do get rid of what I don't want.
The same with getting the short end of a trade, because the bottom line is that you exchanged things of sort of no value for things which you wanted.
Buying what you don't need is a problem for me, because although I do enjoy my impulse purchases, they do not fit my collecting goals. So they sit with my other miscellaneous cards which really are trade bait or for sale. Why do this?
And worse is not buying what I want. It happened again this month. I thought the card cost too much, so I turned it down - then buy the time I realized that although it was higher than I had budgeted for the card, it was singularly gloriously right, right, right! But when I went back for it, I found it was gone, gone, gone!
This is the mistake I hate most. I do it over and over. Sometimes the card isn't good enuff (but it is); other times it is too good (but it ain't).
What type of mistakes do you hate most?