I always thought the varsity was one of the more fun decoware lunchboxes. There is another more commonly found sports themed decoware that has children playing different sports on each panel. There is a football panel so it might make a neat companion piece.
I’ve collected metal lunchboxes as another side hobby for a couple decades. The decoware line is older than my preferred themes, but still a really cool line and some of the very early specifically child designed metal theme boxes. continental can company ran decoware with this logo in the 50s, created to compete with Aladdin’s Hopalong Cassidy box to start a new trend in kids school items. Obviously the Aladdin design won by the end of the decade, but these are a cool chapter.
- Justin D.
Player collecting - Lance Parrish, Jim Davenport, John Norlander.
Successful B/S/T with - Highstep74, Northviewcats, pencil1974, T2069bk, tjenkins, wilkiebaby11, baez578, Bocabirdman, maddux31, Leon, Just-Collect, bigfish, quinnsryche...and a whole bunch more, I stopped keeping track, lol.