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Old 10-24-2008, 01:33 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Mike H

We were discussing books on another thread today and the topic of content and appeal came up. I for one love looking at the Smithsonian baseball book and the treasures within. For me however, a book like Kashmanian's baseball treasures, that features non-gamer memorabilia may hold appeal for a broader audience. Mark suggested a coffee table book on items like pennants, figurals, equipment, or advertising. It would focus on display items.

I believe a book like that would sell enough copies to cover costs and make a little $. The publisher wouldn't get rich, but what a great project. Paul's pinback book covers a very specific niche and is not inexpensive (It is worth every penny Paul...thanks for writting it). I would purchase ANY book that focused on vintage baseball memorabilia other than cards.

Imagine big color photos from displays across the country. I would love to see basements, offices, display cases etc.

What do you all think?

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Old 10-24-2008, 01:39 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Dan

I would love it!

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Old 10-24-2008, 01:47 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Greg Theberge


Funny you should mention John Kashmanian. He and my dad used to work together for years at the bank. While he was doing the baseball stuff, we were doing the beer. In fact, we just picked up a great photo of an anniversary party with rare beer bottles on the table from John. One of these days would love to get over to see his collection. John's a great guy.

As far as a book, there might be an avenue to go to that produces a VERY high quality product and it doesn't cost the author anything to get the book done. Of course, you should not expect to make a dime from the project, it's essentially just a labor of love and a nice thing to say you contributed to the hobby. I mentioned before that a group of us approached Schiffer Publishing with a proposal to produce a book on New England brewery advertising. The were head over heals on the project, as long as it contained relative price values for the pieces (of course, all of these values are long outdated by now).If there was an interest, I may still have some contacts through my dad. You can see the book on ebay at: ageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

The only problem is that they do high quality photos. They came to the house and photographed five collections for our book. Might be difficult with everyone spread out.

Just some thoughts, but it would be a cool project.


edited to fix the link...something screwed up

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Old 10-24-2008, 02:00 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: David Atkatz

Sounds fantastic--especially the Schiffer book. I would be happy to have any items in my collection of vintage Yankee memorabilia photographed.

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Old 10-24-2008, 02:06 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Brock G.

Interesting topic Mike. Obviously myself and others on the board would love a book like you mentioned but I dont know if any of these types of books could ever appeal to a mass audience.

The Smithsonian Baseball book was very well done and I of course loved it, but I do think it could of used more large, eye-catching, photos. It was written by a collector for collectors. I would of loved to see actual photos of C. Shanus' collection. Pictures from inside his display room of his amazing memorabila. All of the wonderful advetisements in the Gary Cypres chapter were great but it would of been nice to see them displayed in his museum or office or wherever he keeps those things.

I think a book that focused more of its contents on the aesthetics and display value of the memorabilia could have more appeal to the casual/non collector but its hard to say.

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Old 10-24-2008, 02:18 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: barrysloate

Brock- a number of people I've spoken to were disappointed that Gary's museum wasn't pictured. I guess the photographer had a different idea of how to do it.

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Old 10-24-2008, 02:23 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Dan Bretta

While I am quite satisfied with the Smithsonian book the one drawback is the fact that there are few pictures of displays. We all have tons of Mastro/Rea type catalogs we can look at all day long to see individual pieces, but the collector in us is curious how people use those items in their displays.

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Old 10-24-2008, 02:34 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Greg Theberge

I think Dan hit the nail right on the head. I have a ton of memorabilia books lying around the house, they're called auction catalogues. I don't think one book could outdo a REA, etc. catalogue

But a book on collectors and their collections could be very interesting.

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Old 10-24-2008, 04:23 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Mike H

I didn't like that the Smithsonian book focused much of the content on the history of baseball etc. I wish it had focused more on collecting as a hobby, how each collectors specialty developed, finds, favorite pieces etc. I wish everyone had been written like Mastro's section. I would also like to cut out the pages featuring the Sosa/McGwire garbage.

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Old 10-24-2008, 05:20 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Brock G.

I agree wholeheartedly with the last posts of Dan, Greg, and Mike. The great focus of the book should of, in my opinion, been on the featured collectors and have a more personal feel. Like Mike said, it dealt too much with the history of baseball and was a little on the wordy side. And with all the individual photos of the memorabilia it did have an auction catalogue feel. I mean anyone who has the Halper catalogue had seen just about everything in the Penny Marshall collection before this book.

I did enjoy the book and thought for the most part that it was well researched, educational, and eclectic in the memorabilia it covered but now with all the great points you guys are making I realize it could of been much better.

The Smithsonian Magazine from 1987 which featured the Halper collection would be a great model if one were hoping to assemble a book like mentioned in the original post. A little back story on how Barry got into collecting, stories on his favorite pieces and how he obtained them, and great shots of his collection displayed in his house.

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Old 10-24-2008, 07:15 PM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Max Weder

An option is to self-publish via Blurb or Lulu.

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Old 10-25-2008, 01:01 AM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Paul Muchinsky

I believe the single major issue to be addressed by any prospective author is the most basic question of all: "What do I want to achieve by doing this book?" If you can clearly answer that question, I would say you are over half-way done in answering the big questions about such a book.
For me the whole issue turned on whether I wanted to do a book that was "representative" or "comprehensive" (as one can hope to make it). You would be surprised at how many decisions automatically fall into place once this decision is made. Among them are:

1. Length. If you want representative, you can specify a pre-determined page limit, and simply fill the book with select items until you reach your limit. If you go with comprehensive, you will have as many pages as it takes to provide the comprehensive depiction you want. Even then, some will say your book wasn't "comprehensive enough". Despite my having a valid reason why I omitted pins in sets (because another book had already done a splendid job on this), some people wanted my book to include pins in sets.

2. Cost. This is simple. The longer the book, the more expensive it is to produce. How much money do you have to put into the book? Are you willing to forgo adding some items to your collection because you already spent it on presenting what you already had? I don't know much about "e-books", but if you don't mind hefting a computer instead of a book, pixels are cheaper than paper (and also modifiable).

3. Photographic skill. I was/am not a professional photographer, nor was I interested in spending the money on equipment to fake it. The quality of my photos in the baseball book reveal what an amateur I am. I learned a few tricks along the way and photos in the boxing book came out better. I eventually met a professional photographer who told me the #1 cause of my amateur-looking photographs in the baseball book was I had more than one pin in a photograph. Not surprisingly, some of my "worst" pages contain the most pins. OK, but now what? I presented about 3,500 baseball pins. Want to take out a second mortgage to pay the cost of 3,500 photographs? For the boxing book I was able to get each pin in a separate photograph, but then I only had about 420 items to photograph.

4. What to present. If one person has all the goodies in his or her own collection that will be in the book, fine. Then just turn your den into a photo studio and have at it. If several collectors are going to contribute items, either the items go the designated photographer's house for the shooting, or the photographer packs up the photo gear and goes to the items. Your friends will send photos from their collection? Maybe, but get ready to meet Dr. "Moray" (his last name sounds like moray--like the eel--but it is spelled differently). Dr. Moray was a physicist who discovered when photographed items are presented in a book, you are in one sense creating a new photo (the book page) of an old photo (the object photographed). I'll skip the math, but it basically means the two photos have to be in synch with each other. If not, the image appears blurry. Although there are several way to correct a "Moray Problem", one involves manipulating the size of the image to create allignment. This process becomes more complex if the original photos were taken with different settings, caused by different people using different cameras to take photos of their own items. In reduced form, combining photos from different sources for a book is much more involved than combining photos from different sources to create a family photo album. I don't recall how many pinback photos were in the Smithsonian book, and what percentage of the photos taken wound up making the final cut, but Rob Lifson told me the folks from Smithsonian were at his house all day just to take those few shots. It is all about the technical stuff of photography about which I know little that produces a patently superior image (as in the Smithsonian book) versus an amateurish image (as in my book). Like everything else in life, it is more complex than it looks.

5. Why am I doing this? This is a re-statement of the critical primary question. I will answer this question for myself. I did the two books because I love what I collect and I wanted to share it with the hobby. After I am gone and my collection has been scattered or resides in its entirety with someone who is not as passionate about pinbacks as I am, at least hobbyists will be able to see what there is to collect out there. Such books are nothing more than eye candy treats for those who suffer from our exquisite addiction. I spent more on the baseball book than I ever made or will make. But I don't care. I discovered the cost of sharing my candy ultimately brought me more pleasure than the cost of buying some more candy. If you do such a book, do it because you have a story to tell, and you want to tell it, because if you don't, it may well never be told. If you list prices in the belief that some readers are as interested in value as much as aesthetics, get ready for a raft of "experts" to not only tell you are in error, but ascribe motives to why you must have written the book in the first place. My favorite is the following: My prices, when they are "wrong", are more likely too high than too low. This must mean by my saying something is worth X, I will induce someone to pay me X, which is the rationale for why I wrote the book. I have recently decided my collection is worth $700 billion. The line forms at the right. I don't take PayPal.

Write the book for the sheer joy of seeing beauty in print, beauty that would not be seen and shared with others if you didn't do it. While you did not create the original beauty, you are responsible for why others can see it and enjoy it. I believe that is the most noble motive of all. Sign me up for a copy. I like beautiful baseball eye candy.

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Old 10-25-2008, 08:53 AM
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Default A Memorabilia Book for the Masses

Posted By: Mike H

I've got an idea. What if we (Leon) create an online gallery here for different types of memorabilia. Perhaps a link at the top. We commit to taking the best photos we are capable of, start with 5 or 6 catagories, qualify submissions a bit (i.e. no Starting Linups in the figural section), and perhaps a little blurb on our submissions. We could all use a photo-bucket or other similar free sites to store our own photos for posting.

This would make it sooooo much easier than searching past posts for items we are interested in. What do you all think?

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