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Old 11-02-2012, 10:43 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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Originally Posted by drc View Post
If someone had the letters t, p and a in his name, Travis would recommend against him.

not true, i have always said that a third party authentication system could work, just not the way it is being done now.

as we see with the sugar ray robinson, why reward that type of authentication. i am for competant authentication. if they quit pretending they knew all genres and categories and stuck to what they do know, maybe it would get better.

but you are correct, i haven't been too enthralled or impressed with what we have now. But that's not my fault.

they need a customer bill of rights.

1. you should be able to know just who looked at your autograph and only that person shoudl sign off on the cert.

2. they should show exemplars, especially when asked to back up their opinion.

3. when they make a mistake, own up to it, admit it, take care of it and make it right.

4. slow down and take more time to authenticate autographs, get more opinions, issue more no opinions when you dont know instead of guessing (51% percent system of authenticating sucks)

5. hire more people, get more specialized experts instead of one guy authetnicating 50 different categories with tens of thousands of different names.

6. stick to the hof'ers, major stars and other notables and quit trying to expand to authenticate every c league south american soccer team. Stick to the basics and get the basics right first.

there is a lot more i could add.
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