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Old 05-30-2021, 09:23 AM
jgannon jgannon is offline
G@nnon As.ip
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 286

Originally Posted by MooseDog View Post
With all due respect the "...can't afford health insurance" argument doesn't hold water any more.

I can only speak for myself, but as a self-employed/independent contractor I couldn't afford health insurance until the ACA (aka ObamaCare) came along. The ACA has literally been a life saver and my premiums have gone up and down as my income has fluctuated wildly, but was always affordable with a manageable deductible and was never tied to any particular work or job I did.

Anyone who doesn't have a job or health insurance at the moment can probably get nearly fully subsidized health insurance until their situation changes. For example my premium was dropped to $1/month when I was fully unemployed for a bit.

If anything, this is an example of why we shouldn't have to tie health insurance to jobs.
There are all too many instances of people who have healthcare who can't afford their medicines and treatments, and copays. So even if you have healthcare, it doesn't guarantee adequate coverage.

I'm glad the ACA worked for you. But as you said, you are speaking for yourself. Your situation is not everybody's.
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