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Old 08-24-2021, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by ThomasL View Post
Im trying to convey comparable as a player AND (probably more importantly when you are debating issues drive by player popularity which card value is one of those things) popularity. Cobb was vastly more popular with fans around the league than Jackson who like I said was popular just not as much and point was Cobb was on another level and Ruth well no one will ever be on his level of popularity. Speaker I still say is the best comparison to make here if you want to try to play the what if game with Jackson and then translate that to card sales...I may have went a little over the top in that Jackson would be largely forgotten, maybe maybe not, Speaker isnt really forgotten but how many casuals know who Speaker was...

My main point...
without the scandal Jackson's rookie card (and all cards for that matter) would track along with Speaker's rookie cards and others of his (save for rare backed T206s)

Jackson is well known now bc of the scandal and more so the 2 movies in the 1980s and that has driven his sales...without that he would not have the appeal of the BIG names like Ruth, Cobb, Gehrig, Jackie, Mantle and with it he barely does...which I guess is kind of the point of this topic...
Lou Gehrig was second to Babe Ruth during most of his career. He is still an all time great whose cards are worth a lot of money. Joe Jackson is very similar. I disagree that he is only known because of a scandal. He is known because he was a .356 career hitter. He was very popular player during his playing days as a "nice" alternative to Ty Cobb.

I started setting up at card shows in 1984. Jackson's cards were in heavy demand then. His Cracker Jack cards were worth more than Cobb due to his lack of cards, not being in the popular t-card sets. Those movies came out in 1988 and 1989 and didn't do a lot to his card prices as they were already high and out of most collectors budgets.
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