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Old 07-02-2010, 01:11 PM
packs packs is offline
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All I'm saying is this. If that is a photo of Jackson on the T202, then to me it would have to be a totally different play than the one captured on the front of the newspaper. I just can't conceive how he would go from the position he's in on the T202 to the one on the front of the newspaper in just mili-seconds and in one fluid movement. To me, and this is my opinion, these are two different photos of either two different players OR the same player on different plays. Maybe it's theoretically possible for him to move his hand to his forehead, but where do you see that kind of momentum in the T202 photo? You're speculating that he COULD do it, but what about the T202 photo suggests he WOULD end up in the position he does on the newspaper? In the T202 photo the player's foot has just hit the ground and is beginning to spray up the dirt. In the newspaper photo Jackson's foot is way off the ground. If these photos were taken consecutively, then why is there no dirt thrown up in the newspaper photo? The only dirt being thrown up in the newspaper photo appears to be from his upper body. For a person's hand to go from their waist to their head in consecutive frames, there would need to be some sort of middle ground. His arm would already need to be rising or be near his head at the time of the slide. I'm no expert, but I just don't see how the player's hand could go from waist to head in consecutive frames or any indication that the player is raising his arm in the T202 photo.

As for the pinstripes, you're an expert and I value your opinion. The only thing I'm going to say is that these men are professionals. They would have practiced technique daily for hours and hours until every play became a sort of routine. Unless they make a dramatic change, a player is always going to look the same at bat or during a pitch, or turning a double play. It's been rooted in them through repetition. I'm just putting it out there, but there's a good chance Lord held the bag down in a similar position every time. That could just be his stance when the bag is being challenged. Maybe in these two instances he is in that routine and this is an example of lightning striking twice.

Last edited by packs; 07-02-2010 at 04:01 PM.
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