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Old 06-26-2022, 07:53 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by 55koufax View Post
I get it Bob, thanks....

I am just trying to understand (from some of the veteran, quality collector's) if I can get my own mind to believe that SGC is worth the time and trouble to submit at $23 per..

Been thinking for about one year of trying them on a 100 card sub to hit $23 level. That said, of course I am concerned about what their graded value may be if I were to want to flip and sell most of them. We ALL know and agree their sales cannot match other TPGs, and if indeed values in general are dropping, likely not a great time for me to test the SGC waters.
Hey James,

No sweat just trying to explain where I'm coming from on this topic.

In your situation, I'd have the exact same concern about which TPG to use, if any at all. I think you have to ask yourself if you're really planning to sell, and if so, how soon. As others have mentioned in this thread, TPG turnaround times are dropping, and it is most likely due to decreasing submissions, which as others have also said will probably lead to more lowering of grading prices as competition heats up among TPGs. I don't know the makeup of your collection, or the quality of the cards you're looking to submit, but as you and others have said, you'll most likely get the best prices for your cards when selling from using PSA to grade them.

That said, if there is no dire reason to sell right now, maybe hold off a bit and see if the grading market doesn't continue to promote further competition among the TPGs, and as a result, even lower grading prices going forward. It is possible that by this time next year you may be able to get PSA to grade those cards for you at a much more reasonable cost than now, and closer to what SGC would charge. Obviously can't predict with 100% accuracy, but it would seem that TPG grading prices are way more likely to be going down than up in the foreseeable future.

Also, depending on the quality and desirability of what cards you are looking to sell, you could check with different auction houses that may have an interest in them. They may have a connection with different TPGs and can possibly get you a better/faster grading deal and/or cost if you agree to consign and sell some of your cards through them. Big maybe, but doesn't hurt to ask. Good luck!

Last edited by BobC; 06-27-2022 at 05:56 AM.
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